美容成分ビタミンCたっぷり お酒・タバコ好きの方にも ローズヒップティー 30ティーバッグ【YDKG-s】1万円以上で送料無料!楽天ランキング入賞アイテム!

美容成分ビタミンCたっぷり お酒・タバコ好きの方にも ローズヒップティー 30ティーバッグ【YDKG-s】1万円以上で送料無料!楽天ランキング入賞アイテム! ローズヒップティー 商品名 Rosehips Tea Bags 内容量 30ティーバッグ ご使用方法 ティーバッグをカップにいれ、約180ccの熱湯を注ぎ、3分ほど待ちます。最後にティーバッグを絞ってからお飲みください。 ブランド Alvita / アルビタ社製 内容成分 【1ティーバッグ中】 ローズヒップ 2.83g 広告文責 : 株式会社Arecare,Inc. 010-1-408-573-0733生産国 : アメリカ  |  区分 : 食品恐れ入りますが、iframe対応のブラウザでご覧ください。 1922年生まれの老舗ハーブティー ALVITAは、1922年にアメリカ西海岸カリフォルニア州に誕生した老舗ハーブティーブランドです。 この当時からALVITA社では、ブレンドタイプのハーブティーとシングルタイプと呼ばれる単体のハーブティーを販売。目的に合わせ、民間療法と合わせたハーブティーの楽しみ方を提案することで、まだまだあまり馴染みのなかったハーブティを世の中に広めたハーブティー界のパイオニア的存在としてよく知られています。 環境にもこだわるALVITA社では、再生紙を利用することはもちろんのこと、ティーバックの漂白においても従来の漂白方法ではなく地球に優しい酸素を使ったブリーチング方法を採用。小さなコダワリが大きな世界を変えるという信念をもって経営しているハーブティーメーカーです。 最近では、目的に応じたハーブティの提案だけでなく、レメディシリーズを意欲的に展開し、新たなファンも獲得しています。 Walk into any health food store these days and you will be instantly overwhelmed with the wide range of teas that are available. Not only is there a seemingly endless variety of teas made from various herbs, but there are dozens of brands of tea that all claim to be organic or healthy. One of the top brands of natural herbal tea is Alvita tea, which is available through a number of online outlets as well as in the top health food shops throughout the country. With a huge selection of different herbal remedies and teas, Alvita certainly helps contribute to the extensive choice that we have as consumers. Some of the most popular types of Alvita tea out there on the market today include fenugreek, rooibos, senna leaf, catnip, and parsley. Most of the types of tea will contain only one type of herb, to ensure that customers have access to the pure effects of that herb, be it for relaxation or to help with a specific health problem. Valerian root, for example, is well known for its relaxing properties. The Alvita valerian tea contains pure valerian root, so that those wishing to experience these benefits will not find their experience marred with other fillers, like some other tea companies. With a history dating back to 1922, Alvita tea has been manufacturing pure and natural singles and blends. They are most well known for their commitment to the environment, and offer some of the most sustainable and green-friendly packaging for their tea products currently available. The box that contains the tea is composed of 100% recycled board, which can then be recycled again to keep the trend going and eliminate waste. The bags themselves that contain the tea have no excessive strings, tags, or staples, but are instead "English pillow" style, so that no space is wasted. The paper used in the teabags that hold Alvita tea is also completely recycled, and the bags are oxygen bleached rather than bleached with chlorine, which can cause damage to the ground water and environment. This attention to detail extends beyond their packaging, and also helps describe the products, as the tea is crafted with a purity and attention to detail that is good for the earth and for customers alike. That is why more and more customers have chosen this brand of herbal tea over others, when faced with such a wide selection.


¥780 送料別