Cabela's / カベラス G.Loomis IMX Spinning Rods ロ ッド/釣竿 【PR844S】【取り寄せ商品】Cabela's / カベラス【海外取り寄せ商品】

Cabela's / カベラス G.Loomis IMX Spinning Rods ロ ッド/釣竿 【PR844S】【取り寄せ商品】Cabela's / カベラス【海外取り寄せ商品】 商品について 機能・仕様 Serious fishermen with state-of-the-art equipment know a state-of-the-art rod is even more crucial. The IMX is the rod that originally put G.Loomis on the map, and it's no secret why. Super-high modulus graphite makes them unbelievably sensitive, telegraphing every rock, stump and weed you work your lure over, every twitch your bait makes. They're extremely strong, able to haul in the meanest, meatiest underwater critters from long distances and great depths. Incredibly, however, they're some of the lightest rods on the market. So you can fish day after day without fear of your casting arm committing mutiny. Distance, accuracy, sensitivity, strength, these rods truly have it all. Length 7 Handle G Action Fast Lure Weight (oz.) 1/4-5/8 Power Med Line Weight 8-17 Pieces 1 お届け# 海外からのお取り寄せの為、約2週間〜 のお時間をいただいております。ご了承ください。 # メーカーに在庫がなかった場合はキャンセルとなりますので、その場合はメールにてご連絡させて頂きます。 ◆商品一覧 ◆お支払い・送料・返品 ◆会社概要

販売店:FULLHOUSE 釣具専門店

¥69,000 送料別