波【ロングスリーブTシャツ 】【KOMOTシャツ♪送料無料】【メール便対応】【楽ギフ_包装】重ね着もOK!おしゃれな方におススメ!そで口をリブでしめたロングスリーブタイプ!力強い波模様でアングラーをアピール♪

波【ロングスリーブTシャツ 】【KOMOTシャツ♪送料無料】【メール便対応】【楽ギフ_包装】重ね着もOK!おしゃれな方におススメ!そで口をリブでしめたロングスリーブタイプ!力強い波模様でアングラーをアピール♪ ロングTシャツサイズ SMLXLXXL着丈 (cm)6570737680身幅 (cm)4752555965袖丈 (cm)5762636465 【楽ギフ_包装】【楽ギフ_メッセ入力】 ギフト対応  This item is available for International shipping by Tenso.com.We are sorry that our delivery is available only in Japnan. However you can use "Tenso.com" shopping on Japanese Website to help you start shopping in Japan today!!Please check this Website now as follows;http://event.rakuten.co.jp/borderless/tenso/japanese/index.html?l-id=tenso_ja_banaIf you use this service, "Tenso.com", we will charge you a domestic shipping fee from us to "Tenso.com" as a flat fare 530 yen. Tenso.com will charge you the International shipping charge from Tenso.com to your place. And The detail will be forwarded to you separately.And also, It will be a free shipping charge for domestic shipping in Japan if you could buy more than 10,000 yen.-Guide to shopping on Japanese websites-By using your tenso address, you can shop at our websites.Simply list your tenso address as your shipping address.1. Choose your product2. Get Your AddressLog in at Tenso.com and obtain your tenso address on "My Page"3. Enter your tenso address as your shipping addressCopy your tenso address and paste it as the shipping address on the website you would like to make a purchase from.Please do NOT choose cash on delivery (COD) or after payment.4. You are done!Your Japanese product is now on its way to your doorstep!Enjoy Shopping!! Thank you.日本語:転送コム!English Tenso.com  ■素材:綿100% XSSMLXLXXL身丈576570737680身幅424752555965袖丈555762636465袖口にこだわった長そでTシャツ手首部分は1.2インチのリブ付き。袖を上げて作業する時などにとても便利です。  コットン100%平編みで、適度な伸縮性がありやさしくソフトな肌ざわりです。裾部分には、全体を引き締めるKOMO波をあしらっております。オールシーズン使えるロングスリーブです。


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