世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「独・フォッカー D.VIIF 初期型戦闘機(OAW工場製)」 1/48 (48420)

世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「独・フォッカー D.VIIF 初期型戦闘機(OAW工場製)」 1/48 (48420)  ◆ローデン「独・フォッカー D.VIIF 初期型戦闘機(OAW工場製)」 1/48Fokker D.VII OAW (early)・写真は箱絵です。(イメージ)独・フォッカー D.VIIF 初期型戦闘機(OAW工場製) についてIn April 1918 numbers of the new Fokker D VII fighter were delivered to the best known and most experienced Jastas. This type was distinguished above all others fighters of its time, especially for its excellent flying performance, strong construction and high maneuverability. British and French pilots, who met the new fighter in the sky of the Western Front, gave it the nickname "square-nosed". Dogfights with the "square nosed" planes were frequently fatal for Allied planes.First batches of the Fokker D VII were built in the Fokker plants in Schwerin. The German Air Command needed a great many more new fighters and soon the Albatros Werke received orders to produce the D VII under license. Apart from its head plants located in Johannisthal, the Albatros Company had a branch factory in Schneidemuhl, named the Ostdeutschen Albatros Werken. The OAW factory had the capacity to build more aircraft than the Albatros and Fokker plants put together. Early OAW - built planes were similar to Fokker-built machines in most respects. The main difference was four-color lozenge fabric on all surfaces apart from the nose, where a distinctive 'giraffe' like pattern was applied, with mauve stains on the green cowling. In May 1918, worrying news came from the Front: several D.VII's had crashed after in-flight fires. The cause of these incidents was unknown until lt.F. Friedrichs survived after a similar accident. He reported that the ammunition in his aircraft had caught fire and the main fuel tank, and fuel vapor around the engine, had flashed also. The installation of the ammunition was improved. For optimum ventilation of the engine many additional louvers on the lateral panels were added. Through the entire period of OAW manufacture of the D.VII, different submodifications displayed a variety of external features of the cooling system. About 2000 Fokker D.VIIs were built by OAW in total; more than 50% of the total built of this particular type. The Allies captured great quantities of partly completed OAW D VIIs after occupation of this region of Germany. PerformancesWing Span 8,93 Total Length 7,00 m Empty weight 757 kg Take of weight 959 kg Speed (max) 190 km/h Time of 5000 m altitude reaching 35 min Engine, type (power): Mercedes D.IIa (160/180 h.p.)Mercedes D.IIIau (180/200 h.p.) Machine guns 2xLMG 08/15 Spandau - ローデン資料より -フォッカーD.VII 初期の機体で派手なエース機も多数あり1918年:単発・単座戦闘機OAW製 (Ostdeutschen Albatros Werken)第一次大戦末期のドイツ軍主力戦闘機です。MercedesやBMWの強力なエンジンを搭載しており、水冷直列で大型のラジエターを備えているため、機首前部は四角く大きな形をしています。優秀な機種なため大戦後もヨーロッパ各国やアメリカなどでも生産されました。模型についてスケールモデル スペックScale:1/48Overall dimensions:186/146Quantity of details:90Manufacturer:ローデン(RODEN)Manufacturing country:ウクライナ(UKRAINE)Box Size:300*200*48●「独・フォッカー D.VIIF 初期型戦闘機(OAW工場製)」のプラスチックモデル組立キットです。●DECAL ・Fokker D.VII (OAW), Lt. Ernst Udet (62 victories, Pour le Merite), Jasta 4, 29 June 1918. ・Fokker D.VII (OAW), pilot and unit unknown, Summer 1918. ・Fokker D.VII (OAW), Lt. Hans Besser,Jasta 12, Summer 1918.ギフト用ラッピング(無料)を承ります  →詳細はこちらをご確認ください※この商品は完成品ではありません。パーツを組み立てて作るプラモデルです※接着剤は入っていませんので、別にお買い求めください※12歳以下の方が組み立てる場合は、保護者の方も一緒に説明書をお読みください※返品は未開封、未使用のものに限らせていただきます。


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