世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「英・S.E.5a 戦闘機 イスパノ スイザ エンジン型」 1/48 (48419)

世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「英・S.E.5a 戦闘機 イスパノ スイザ エンジン型」 1/48 (48419)  ◆ローデン「英・S.E.5a 戦闘機 イスパノ スイザ エンジン型」 1/48S.E.5a w/Hispano Suiza・写真は箱絵です。(イメージ)英・S.E.5a 戦闘機 イスパノ スイザ エンジン型 についてIn the Spring of 1917 the RFC received a new fighter, the RAF S.E.5. This fighter had potentially very good fighting capability, which was successfully realized by one of the Empire's best aces, Albert Ball, in numerous air duels with the adversary's planes. The only significant disadvantage of this plane was its Hispano Suiza V8 engine whose 150 h.p. was insufficient. This engine was being produced in France and required further improvement. The situation changed shortly after the appearance of Hispano Suiza's 200 h.p. engine, a powerplant which could offer the plane significant improvement.By the end of May in the same year, the third prototype of the S.E.5 with the new engine conducted its first flight. This plane was very similar to its predecessor, however, a few differences still existed: a four-bladed propeller appeared, the keel fuel tank was now installed in the middle of the center section, adjustable radiator shutters were added, the shape of the exhaust manifolds changed, and the huge windscreen was replaced by a regular one.The first test flights proved preliminary expectations to be justified: speed increased by 29 km/h, and climbing time to 5000 m was cut in half. The Royal Aircraft Factory started the mass production of the S.E.5a at its plant in Farnborough even before the test flights were over. Besides that, seven subcontractor firms received major orders to build the type.56 Squadron of the RFC was the first to receive the S.E.5a in 1917. The unit that had successfully flown the 'regular' S.E.5, welcomed the new modification of this plane. During its service some insignificant drawbacks were discovered. For instance, the landing gears turned out to be not strong enough. Initially they were made of thin steel tubes, as on the previous aircraft. However, due to the fact that the plane's weight had increased, their structure was soon over-stressed. Later build planes had strong thick wooden landing gears.The engine still continued to be the major problem for the S.E.5a; French plants were building it in insufficient quantities. Moreover, the quality of production was still unsatisfactory. As a result, the engine frequently failed during the flight. Sometimes, such failures led to fatal accidents.The British Military Command tried to solve this problem by purchasing a license for the production of the Hispano Suiza: the engine now went by the name of Wolseley Adder. However, this engine also did not meet expectations because it inherited all the negative features of its predecessor. A very small number of S.E.5a's had this engine. The situation changed only after the appearance of the new Wolseley Viper engine whose design was based on the Hispano Suiza, but with all the Hispano Suiza's drawbacks eliminated. Quite a few planes with Hispano Suiza engines that arrived at maintenance units had the Hispano Suiza engine substituted with a new one. However, a significant number of S.E.5a's fitted with the Hispano Suiza remained in service until the end of the Great War. PerformancesSpan, m 8,11 Lenth, m 6,37 Wing area, m2 22,83 Speed max, km/h 203 Climb 3000m, min.sec 12,20 Take-off weight, kg 895 Time in fly, h 2,5 Powerplant 1x200h.p. Hispano Suiza V8 Armament: 1x0,303 Vickers; 1x0,303 Lewis - ローデン資料より -エンジン換装でパワーアップを図った英軍主力機1918年:単発・単座戦闘機エンジン:イスパノ スイザ V8 (200HP)WWIの中でも最強の機体のひとつです。機銃をエンジンの上と主翼の上に1丁ずつ備え、高速で上昇力、急降下ともに優れていました。主力機だけにバリエーションが幾つかあり、搭載エンジンがイスパノ150HP、200HP、ウーズレイ200HPなどのバージョンがあります。模型についてスケールモデル スペックScale:1/48Overall dimensions:169/133Quantity of details:64Manufacturer:ローデン(RODEN)Manufacturing country:ウクライナ(UKRAINE)Box Size:300*200*48●「英・S.E.5a 戦闘機 イスパノ スイザ エンジン型」のプラスチックモデル組立キットです。●DECAL ・RAF S.E.5a D3511 (Vickers-built), No.40 Sqn RFC, Major R S Dallas, Sqn CO, DSO, DSC, Lille,  France, May 1918. ・RAF S.E.5a B4891/"6" (RAF-built), No.56 Sqn RFC, Capt. J T B McCudden, France, February  1918. ・RAF S.E.5a D5995/"1" (Vickers-built), No.143(HD) Sqn RFC, Lt. L Lucas, London Air Defence,  April/May 1918. ・RAF S.E.5a B507/"A" (Vickers-built), No.60 Sqn RFC, 2/Lt. J J Fitzgerald, France, October  1917. ・RAF S.E.5a B139 (Martinsyde-built), No.111 Sqn RFC, pilot unknown, Palestine, January 1918. ・RAF S.E.5a B4863/"G" (RAF-built), No.56 Sqn RFC, Capt. J T B McCudden, France, September  1917.ギフト用ラッピング(無料)を承ります  →詳細はこちらをご確認ください※この商品は完成品ではありません。パーツを組み立てて作るプラモデルです※接着剤は入っていませんので、別にお買い求めください※12歳以下の方が組み立てる場合は、保護者の方も一緒に説明書をお読みください※返品は未開封、未使用のものに限らせていただきます。


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