世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「独・ファルツ D.IIIa 戦闘機」 1/72 (72015)

世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「独・ファルツ D.IIIa 戦闘機」 1/72 (72015)  ◆ローデン「独・ファルツD.IIIa 戦闘機」 1/72Pfalz D.IIIa・写真は箱絵です。(イメージ)独・ファルツD.IIIa 戦闘機 についてIn the early part of 1917, Pfalz Flugzeugwerke - GmbH - Speyer am Rhein company developed its first company designed plane, which received the designation Pfalz D.III. The new plane soon received good performance reports from the pilots (especially for its maneuverability and pilot visibility).But installation of its machine gun within the fuselage was more than a failure; the best solution would be placement of the weapon at eye level. In the autumn of 1917 the first modified aircraft, the Pfalz D.IIIa arrived at the Front. Apart from the weapon installation, the new plane had a square tailplane with increased area. At the end of April 1918, 433 Pfalz D.IIIa's were at the Front, together with the D.III they accounted for about 25 percent of the total for all fighter types.750 Pfalz D.IIIa's were built in total, more than fifteen Jasta's operated this type. Some aircraft of the last production batch built were delivered to Turkey.The Pfalz D.IIIa served until the end of war, at times they remained a first line fighter, but in early 1918 (after the Fokker D.VII began to appear), the D.IIIa began to be deleted from its first line position.PerformancesWingspan 9.40 m Length 6.95 m Wing area 22.17 m2 Take off weight 905 kg Speed(max)/at level 165 km/h / 3000 m Service ceiling 5100 m Endurance about 2½ hr Engine one liquid cooled Mercedes D.III, 160 h.p. Armament: Machine guns 2xLMG 08/15 Spandau Painter`s description Pfalz D.IIIa. Jasta 40s. The pilot is Lieutenant Carl Degeloff (unit commander). Awarded the Pour de Merite order, 30 victories. Western front, summer of 1918. The picture shows the episode of an air fight when German fighters from a Saxon unit is attacking British De Havilland DH.4 front bombers. There is Degeloff's aircraft in the foreground. There is a picture of a jumping deer on the sides of this machine. Undergoing treatment at the White Deer health center near Dresden because of an injury, the pilot took the picture of this deer, the symbol of the center, as his own symbol and mascot. The German pilot won on this plane at least one victory.- ローデン資料より -機銃装備位置を変更し操作性を高めた改良型1917年:単発・単座戦闘機ファルツD.III の改良型です。D.III は大戦中期の1917年7月に出現した機体で高い上昇性や視界の良さ、高速度など高性能を誇っていました。アルバトロスと同じく当時としては先進的なセミ・モノコック構造でエンジンもメルセデスの水平直列6気筒を搭載していました。ヴェルナー・フォスを筆頭として多くのエースパイロットが乗機としました。 模型についてスケールモデル スペックScale:1/72Overall dimensions:131/97Quantity of details:33Manufacturer:ローデン(RODEN)Manufacturing country:ウクライナ(UKRAINE)Box Size:252*162*34●「独・ファルツD.IIIa 戦闘機」のプラスチックモデル組立キットです。ギフト用ラッピング(無料)を承ります  →詳細はこちらをご確認ください※この商品は完成品ではありません。パーツを組み立てて作るプラモデルです※接着剤は入っていませんので、別にお買い求めください※12歳以下の方が組み立てる場合は、保護者の方も一緒に説明書をお読みください※返品は未開封、未使用のものに限らせていただきます。


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