世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「英・ブリストンF.2BファイターMK.IV エンジン強化型 1920年」 1/48 (48428)

世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「英・ブリストンF.2BファイターMK.IV エンジン強化型 1920年」 1/48 (48428)  ◆ローデン 「英・ブリストンF.2BファイターMK.IV エンジン強化型 1920年」 1/48Bristol F.2B Fighter Mk.IV・写真は箱絵です。(イメージ)英・ブリストンF.2BファイターMK.IV エンジン強化型 1920年 についてOne of the best airplanes of WWI, “king of the two setters” and the outstanding masterpiece of designer Frank Barnwell, the Bristol F2B Fighter was one of the most widely used types of the last 18 months of the war.Soon after the proclamation of the Armistice and the signing of the Versailles Treaty, it was declared that WWI was “the war to end all wars”. In that atmosphere of general pacifism the Entente countries witnessed widespread demobilization and their military forces were reorganized. The future of aviation appeared to be limited thousands of airplanes were scrapped, or sold to other countries. It was considered that aviation was the most appalling weapon of the recent war and there would be little need for it in the future.This doubtful opinion was not shared by the head of the Royal Air Force, Sir Hugh Trenchard. Despite much criticism from Parliament and various branches of the establishment, he preserved the core of the R.A.F. for the support of the British Empire's power in all its numerous colonies.At the foundation of the reborn R.A.F. it was largely equipped with two types, which had been developed during wartime: the De Havilland DH9A, and the Bristol F.2B Fighter. At this point in time classical single-seat fighters or strategic bombers had became redundant. Now, aircraft needed to be multipurpose, durable and well regarded from the experience of the last few years, and so the selection of those types was not unexpected.The F.2B Fighter, which was not always a pure fighter even in the conditions of WWI, in the post-war period became a workhorse in the immense territories of the Empire: these airplanes were to be found in India, the Near and Middle East, in occupied Europe, and in Africa. Year by year, newer and more modern types of airplane appeared, but the Brisfit carried on, undertaking all the thankless tasks, from the suppression of revolts in the colonies to the transportation of mail or humanitarian cargo.It was only in 1926 that the first new major variant appeared - the Bristol F.2B Fighter Mk II. The changes were more cosmetic than fundamental: machines for the Near East were equipped with tropical radiators and new wheels with wider tyres. For the next modification of the Mk II a new stronger undercarriage was fitted and some secondary features were changed. Later, one more change was made to take it to Mk III standard: a pick up hook was installed for taking mail packages from the ground.The most important modernization of the type was the rebuild to the Mk IV specification. The main difference was a new mechanical wing which was now equipped with Handley Page slots. The vertical tail had a much changed outline and the undercarriage was improved. It was visibly different to the original Bristol F.2B Fighter which by now looked like its military grandfather.In the 1927-28 period when the resources to finance development of new aircraft types were completely lacking, 50 machines of the Mk IV type were produced. And from the outset some of them were built with dual controls and exchanged cockpits specifically for training purposes. Their service was relatively brief, up until 1931. Nevertheless, it was with some irony that the active service of the dedicated warrior, the Bristol F.2B Fighter, lasted less than two years during WWI, but then for 14 more years more it was nothing so much as a policeman for the Mother country in the distant colonies.In the middle of 1930, after Hitler was proclaimed as Germany's leader, Great Britain came to its senses and began the urgent modernization of the R.A.F., feeling more and more the threat of a new war in the air. At the beginning of the 1930s, when modern Spitfires and Hurricanes were in prospect for the R.A.F., and in the air day by day the tension of future conflict grew and grew, in the far colonies of Great Britain the lonely and obsolete old Bristol F.2B Fighter remained in service. The plane, a product of the WWI era, finally left its place of honor in the front rank of military service 25 years after its first flight. PerformancesWing Span 11,96m Total Length 7,89m Empty Weight 877kg Take-off Weight 1260kg Engine 1 Rolls-Royce Falcon III Power 275 hp Maximum Speed 182 km/h Service Ceiling 6000 m Endurance 3 hours Armament 1 0.303 forward-firing Vickers, 1 or 2 0.303 Lewis in rear cockpit Crew 2 - ローデン資料より -WW-I後の英国戦闘機戦後各国は軍事予算が削られ新兵器などの開発を抑えていきました。RAFも新型機などは少なく、そのため大戦での最優秀機とも言われるF.2Bを改良して使いました。英国は広大な植民地の警備や輸送など航空機の需要が高く要求に答え改良していきました。新たなラジエーターや郵便物フックの装着などを経てMk.IVではハンドレイページ式スロットを持つ主翼や大型化した垂直尾翼を持っています。国際的な緊張が始まった1930年代初頭まで植民地などで使われています模型についてスケールモデル スペックScale:1/48Overall dimensions:**/**Quantity of details:**Manufacturer:ローデン(RODEN)Manufacturing country:ウクライナ(UKRAINE)Box Size:300*200*48 ●「英・ブリストンF.2BファイターMK.IV エンジン強化型 1920年」のプラスチックモデル組立キットです。●DECAL ・Bristol Fighter F.2b Mk. IV F 4542, Cambridge University Air Squadron, 1931.  ・Bristol Fighter F.2b Mk.IV F 4587. Army Cooperation Squadron RAF, 1930. ギフト用ラッピング(無料)を承ります  →詳細はこちらをご確認ください※この商品は完成品ではありません。パーツを組み立てて作るプラモデルです※接着剤は入っていませんので、別にお買い求めください※12歳以下の方が組み立てる場合は、保護者の方も一緒に説明書をお読みください※返品は未開封、未使用のものに限らせていただきます。


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