
守り本尊(円形)3.5cm(阿弥陀)ツゲ木彫仏像 守り本尊人間一代の守り本尊を定めて帰依することは、古来世俗の間に行われ、その本尊を選定することは、月日によって三十日秘仏を用い あるいは結縁灌頂またはとくに霊感をうけた仏像を定める方法がある。つねには千手観音、虚空蔵菩薩、文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩、勢至菩薩、大日如来、不動明王、阿弥陀如来の八尊を子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥の十二支に配当し、その生まれ年によって、配当の本尊を守り本尊とする。すなわち子歳の人の守り本尊は千手観世音菩薩、丑、寅歳の人の守り本尊は虚空蔵菩薩、卯歳の人の守り本尊は文殊菩薩、辰、巳歳の人の守り本尊は普賢菩薩、午歳の人の守り本尊は勢至菩薩、未、申歳の人の守り本尊は大日如来、酉歳の人の守り本尊は不動明王、戌、亥歳の人の守り本尊は阿弥陀如来とする。仏教の十二獣は、十二宮を配当したものでこれを大集経虚空目分浄目品、および十二縁生経、並びに大集星宿品の三経によって、配当の分類をし、それに易の八卦および八箇の仏菩薩を配当する。 ※御守とは諸仏天善神の加護を願って、経文や呪文、尊像などを書いて身につけることをいう。 守り本尊の起源は、小紙片に陀羅尼を書きしるしたものを護符(神符・辟鬼珠ともいう)といい、この護符が像に代って信仰されるようになった。諸仏菩薩を三十尊選び、一カ月間=三十日に配当して定められる。これを三十日秘仏、三十日仏各という。また一代とは、自らの一族の繁栄守護を目的とするもので、氏神信仰の影響と思われる。 Mamorihonzon [Protecting Deity for the Individual]To decide the Protecting Deity for one person’s life and become a believer of it has been done among people since the ancient times. There are two ways of how to decide his or her Protecting Deity. One is to choose a manifestation of Buddha by the thirty secret Buddha, The other is to choose a manifestation giving spiritual feeling to you. Generally, each of the Eight Buddhist Protectors such as Senju Kannon, Kokuu Bosatsu, Monju Bosatsu, Fugen Bosatsu, Seishi Bosatsu, Dainichi Nyorai, Fudou Myoo is linked to one of the 12 zodiac animals, such as mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, bird, dog and wild pig, and you can find your principal Buddha image according to the year you were born in. That is, the principal Buddha image of a person who was born in the year of a mouse is Senju Kannon, the year of a cow or a tiger is Kokuu Bosatsu,a rabbit is Monju Bosatsu, dragon and a snake is Fugen Bosatsu, a horse is Seishi Bosatsu, a sheep and a monkey is Dainichi Nyorai, a bird is Fudou Myoo, and a dog and a wild pig is Amida Nyorai. The twelve animals of Buddhism are linked to twelve signs, each is allocated by the three sutra which eight signs and eight bosatsu are linked to. A good luck charm is wearing sutra or chant or a statue of Buddhist on you praying for being protected by various Buddhists or gods. The origin of the Protecting deity for the individual is believed to be a piece of paper called gofu (protecting card) in stead of statues, in which Darani is drawn. Thirty of Buddhist are chosen out of various Buddhists and allocated to one month = 30 days. They are called the Thirty Secret Buddha, or Each Buddha of the Thirty Days'. One generation is to aim at prosperity of his or her own family, which seems to have been got influenced by believing a tutelary deity of a place.


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