
馬頭観音座像2寸ツゲ木彫仏像 【身丈:2.0寸 総高:約22.5cm、台幅:約10.5cm、台奥行き:約10.5cm】馬頭観音菩薩(馬頭明王)教令輪として馬頭明王とも呼ばれ、観音部、明王部の両部に属す。無量寿仏の忿怒身。この尊を馬頭と名づくは、頭上に馬を置くが故で、敢食、大悲専念、迅速の三つの意味がある。敢食とは、大きな馬の口が衆生の煩悩を一度に飲み込むの意。迅速は諸々も魔障を克服し、慈悲方便をもって忿怒形を現し、無辺界の暗闇を照らし渡すの意。また、大悲専念とは馬が草を食するに余念がないように、一途に行うさまをいう。造形は人身馬頭と頭上に馬頭を置く像がある。三面八臂、四面八臂など形はさまざま。 Batou Kannon Bosatsu [Batou Myoo]He is called Batou Myoo as Kyouryou rinjin( discipline transformation of Buddha) belonging to both Kannon group and Myoo group. He is the angry transformation of Muryouju Buddha( immeasurable happiness). The reason why the Bosatsu is called “BATOU” is that he has a horse face, which means KANSHOKU, TAIHISENNEN, and JINSOKU. KANSHOKU means to swallow up carnal of ordinary people at a breath. TAIHISENNEN means to act intently like a horse grazing on meadow . JINSOKU means to conquer various evils and shine over the darkness of the empty world appearing in anger with benevolence. There are two kinds of styles; one has a horse body, the other has a horse head on the top. There are many different forms of having three faces and eight arms, or four faces and eight arms so on.


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