
道元・瑩山一対(高台付)18cmツゲ木彫仏像 一体のサイズ【総高:約18cm、総幅:約11cm、総奥行:約6.5cm、台幅:約10cm、台奥行き:約6.5cm】道元禅師父久我内大臣源通親、母関白太政大臣藤原基房とし、3歳で父、8歳で母を喪い兄通具に養育される。天資聡明で阿毘達磨倶舎論を読み求道の志強く、13歳で叡山に登り、栄西禅師の禅門に入り奥義をきわめる。後、海を渡り入宋、天童山景徳寺(現・浙江省)に留まり修行し、帰国。これから日本に禅寺が出来るようにり、越前の永平寺に移り、修行を続け、「座禅によって、釈迦に帰れ」と唱え理論より実践を重んじ、生涯弟子の養成に努めた。 1253年寂滅。Dougen ZenshiHe came from a noble family. He lost his father at the age of three, and lost his mother at eight, so he was brought up by his brother. He was geniusly wise and read Abidarumakusharon, which got him to make a strong decision of seeking after truth. He climbed Mt. Hiei and entered Zen school of Eizai Zenshi and got the secret principal at the age of thirteen. Later he went to China and stayed to have training in Tendouzan-keitokuji temple(present Zhejiang) and went back to Japan. Since then, Zen temples have been built. He moved to Eiheiji temple in Echizen(present Fukui), continued his training. He had a great more value on practice than theory. He devoted himself to training his pupils. He entered Nirvana in 1253.瑩山禅師瑩山禅師は文永5年10月18日(1268年)越前の国に生まれ、8歳で永平寺に入り、孤雲懐奘禅師の指導を受け、剃髪し禅学を修め、後、徹通義介禅師について菩薩戒を受ける。初め宝慶寺の寂円禅師に参じ、ついで比叡山で天台の学を修めた後、万寿寺、東福寺、紀州興国寺などで禅学を修めた後、永平寺に戻り、正伝の袈裟を受けて宗門の嫡子となる。その後、各地にて禅道を説き名声をあげ、日本曹洞宗の主流を形成した。滅1325年。Keisan ZenshiKeisan Zenshi was born in Echizen (present Fukui prefecture) in 1268. He entered Eiheiji-temple at the age of eight. He was trained there, shaved his head and mastered Zen. Later he was granted the sacred rules for Bosatsu. First he followed the Zen priest in Hokeiji-temple, and then after mastering Tendai in Mt. Hiei, he mastered Zen in Manjuji-temple, Tofukuji-temple and Kishuukoukokuji-temple. Finally he came back to Eiheiji, was granted an authentic monks garment and became an heir to the temple. He became famous for preaching Zen in various places and creating the main stream of Japan Soutou shu sect. He dies in 1325.Keisan Zenshi was born in Echizen (present Fukui prefecture) in 1268. He entered Eiheiji-temple at the age of eight. He was trained there, shaved his head and mastered Zen. Later he was granted the sacred rules for Bosatsu. First he followed the Zen priest in Hokeiji-temple, and then after mastering Tendai in Mt. Hiei, he mastered Zen in Manjuji-temple, Tofukuji-temple and Kishuukoukokuji-temple. Finally he came back to Eiheiji, was granted an authentic monks garment and became an heir to the temple. He became famous for preaching Zen in various places and creating the main stream of Japan Soutou shu sect. He dies in 1325.


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