
大日如来座像3.0寸円光背六角台桧木 【身丈:3.0寸 総高:約32cm、台幅:約15cm、台奥行き:約11.5cm】密教の根本聖典たる金剛頂経及び大日経の教主にして金胎両部曼荼羅界の主尊。宇宙一切の森羅万象の本体となし、過去、現在、未来の三世において常恒不易の真如となす。その五智五相の智徳を表したものが金剛界大日如来で智拳印を結び、菩薩形の五智宝冠をいだく。一方、胎蔵界においては同じく菩薩形の宝冠をいだき、法界印を結び、経験的認識を超越した本有の理徳を表す。天台宗では大日如来と釈迦如来とを法身・応身の同体とし、東密では顕教の釈迦如来とは別体とする。 Dainichi NyoraiHe is the founder of Kongouchou Kyo and Dainichi Kyo, the principal Buddha of the two mandala worlds(Daimond World and Womb World). He is also the principal image of the universe, the quintessence of the three worlds; past, present, and future. Dainichi Noyorai in Kongoukai Mandala(Diamond World) represents the Virtue of the Five Wisdom of Buddha, who has the mudra of chikenin wearing a bosatsu-shaped crown of the five wisdom, while Dainichi Nyorai in Taizoukai Mandala(Womb World) the original virtue of reason beyond the experimental knowledge, who has the mudra of houkai-in waring the same crown as in Kongoukai Mandala(Diamond World). Tendai sect treats Dainichi Nyorai and Shaka Nyorai as the same Nyorai, while Shingon sect treats Dainichi Nyorai and Shaka Nyorai individually


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