
阿弥陀如来座像2.0寸飛天光背八角台ツゲ 【身丈:2.0寸 総高:約22.5cm、台幅:約10.5cm、台奥行き:約10.5cm】阿弥陀如来西方極楽世界の教主。無量寿、無量光などとも言われる。大無量寿経によれば、もとは、この尊はインドの王族の出身で世自在王仏の教化で出家し、名を法蔵比丘と改め、五劫の間修行を重ね、殊勝の四十八願をたて、西方極楽浄土の王となり、一切衆生を利益する大慈大悲の無量仏となり、今も説法していると説く。阿弥陀三尊は脇侍として観音・勢至菩薩をもつ。印相には上品上生から下品下生までの九品住生に阿弥陀定印、四十八願印、蓮華蔵印などがある。Amida NyoraiThe principal Buddha of the Western Pure Land. Also called Muryouju(Buddha of Limitless life) and Muryoukou(Buddha of Limitless light). According to Daimuryouju Kyo(Great Large Sutra), he was originally from a royal family in India. He became a priest enlightened by Lokechvaraja Buddha. He changed his name to Dharmakara. He had had disciplines through the boundless time, which enabled him establish forty eight vows and become the principal Buddha in the Western Pure Land, Buddha of Limitless. He is said to be preaching still now. Amida Nyorai is attended by Kannon Bosatsu and Shisei Bosatsu which makes Amidasanson(Amida and two attendants). He has a lot of styles of mudra, such as mudra of nine grades, mudra of forty eight vows, mudra of lotus flower, and mudra of Amida


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