
釈迦如来座像2.5寸草光背八角台ツゲ彩色木彫仏像 【身丈:2.5寸 総高:約26cm、台幅:約12cm、台奥行き:約12cm】 仏教の開祖、ゴウタマ・ブッタのこと。釈尊は、今日のネパール地方のシャカ族の出身であったことから、このように呼ばれる。釈尊はこの国の王、浄飯王と隣国コーリア族の摩耶婦人の間に生まれた。生誕年は所説があり、日本では紀元前463年採用が多い。釈尊誕生は摩耶夫人が出産のため実家に赴く途中、4月8日(北方仏教仏伝の日)、ルンビニ園において憩われたとき、右脇より誕生された。そして、東西南北、四方に七歩運び「天上天下唯我独尊、世に満る諸々の苦しみを除くものなり」言われた。摩耶夫人は釈尊誕生後7日目にして亡くなり、養育は妹のマカハジャダイ(後、仏教での最初の尼僧となる)によってなされた。その後、王子として育てられた釈尊は19歳のとき従妹のヤショダラ姫と結婚、3人の子(うち、一子ラゴーラは釈迦十大弟子の一人となる)をもうけた。 釈尊は29歳のとき世の憂いを感じ、王位を捨て出家された。6年の苦行後の12月8日、ウルビラの地主の娘スジャータの捧げる乳粥を供養されピッパラ樹の下において成道された。成道後は、まず苦行時代の五人の弟子を教化され、これを初転法輪という。以後、45年間インド各地を巡歴、法を説かれた。最後の年(紀元前383年2月15日)、釈尊は鍛冶屋のチユンダの供養を受けられ、クシナガラの沙羅双樹の間において最後の教戒を与えて入滅された。釈尊の遺骸は火葬されマルラ族の廟所に安置されたが、来会した国王の使節に、分割して渡され、それぞれの遺骨の上に十塔が建てらた。釈尊の教法はアーナンダやウパーリによって結集がなされ、南伝パーリ語聖典、北伝漢訳経典の中に生かされている。Shaka Nyorai The founder of Buddhism, Gautama Buddha, He is called Shakason, because he was from the Shakas. His father is Suddhodana, king of the Shakas, the king of his country, mother is Maya, a lady of the next country. There are some opinions about the year he was born, the opinion that it was 463 BC is adopted widely in Japan. He was born from the right armpit of Lady Maya in the Lumbini park while she was taking a rest on the way to go to her home to give a birth on the 8th of April. He took seven steps in each of the four directions and proclaimed: "I am the Holy One of heaven and earth, and I shall be the savior to eliminate sufferings of the world." . Lady Maya died on seven days after her son's birth, her sister Mahaprajapati( Later she became the first Buddhist nun) brought him up. Grown up as a prince, Shakason got married to Yasodhara,his cousin, and got three children. ( Rahula,the oldest son, became one of the great ten disciples of Shakason) At the age of twenty nine, being anxious about the world, Shakason gave up the crown and became a priest. He devoted himself entirely to spiritual pursuits and severe hard ascetic discipline. After six years of training, on the 8th of December, he was appeased by the milk gruel that Sujata, a daughter of the land master. He attained Nirvana (enlightenment) under the pipal tree which is now known as Bodhitree. After attaining enlightenment, he enlightened five disciples during the years of his hard ascetic disciplines, it was called Shouten Hourin (the first enlightenment). Since then he had traveled many places to preach in India for forty five years. In the last year( on the 15th of February 383BC), after he was given the service by Cundo, a smith, he gave the last preach between the sal trees in Kushinagar and entered Nirvana( passed away) The body of Shakason was cremated and enshrined in the mausoleum of the Malla. Some pieces of his born were given to the mission of the King. A pagoda was built on each piece of his born. Shakason's way of preaching was codified by Ananda or Upali (the greatest ten disciples of Shakason)


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