
勢至菩薩立像3寸草光背八角台ツゲ木彫仏像 【身丈:3.0寸 総高:約23cm、台幅:約9cm、台奥行き:約9cm】勢至菩薩(大勢至菩薩)弥陀三尊の一つにして仏の智門をつかさどり、衆生の発菩提心を起こさせる。手に蓮華を持つは、この尊が実智の果を成就し、その種子を一切衆生の心水に散じて、さらに蓮華(善心)が生じ増長させる。また、智慧の光をもって、一切を照らし、衆生が地獄・餓鬼界へ落ちないように救う。大勢至とは、多くの威勢自在なるものとして「大勢」といい、これら聖者が大悲自在の果を得ることにより「至」といい、併せて大勢至とする。造形はさまざまで、手に蓮華をもち、頭上の宝冠に水瓶をつけているものが多い。 Seishi BosatsuThe deity is one of the Three Amida, who controls wisdom and lets ordinary people have minds for attainment of enlightenment. The reason he is holding a lotus flower is that this deity achieves the fruit of the wisdom and scatters the seed in the minds of ordinary people, moreover, he lets ordinary people raise lotus flowers(virtue, moral sense) in their mind. He saves all the ordinary people from going down to the hell or the world of hungry evils by shining them with the light of wisdom. Daiseishi means; Taisei means to control much power and might, shi means the saints are given the minds to help people attain enlightenment, these two words get together to become Taiseshi. There are various styles. Many of them are holding a lotus flower in their hands wearing the crown with a water jar.


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