
立千手観音八角台円光背4.0寸彩色ツゲ木彫仏像 【身丈:4.0寸 総高:約25cm、幅:約12cm、奥行き:約10.5cm】 千手千眼、千臂千眼ともいう。六観音の一つで、観音菩薩の本地として無量無辺なる絶対の悲徳をあらわす故に千手千眼をもって標示する。聖観音がつぼみの蓮華という感覚に対して、千手観音は満開の蓮華の意。延命、罪滅、徐病など広大無辺の功徳の力があり、中国西域、チベットには実際に千手の図がある。造形は四十二臂が多い。Senju Kannon BosatsuHe was also called Senju Sengan(one thousand arms and eyes) or Senhiki Sengan(one thousand arms and eyes). He is one of the Six Kannon. He expresses immeasurable and unchangeable absolute modest virtue as the main image of Kannon Bosatsu with one thousand arms and eyes. Senju Kannon means a lotus flower with its best compared with an image that Shou Kannon is a bud of a lotus flower. He has the vast and unchangeable power for long life, reducing sin, eliminating illness so on. There actually exist the pictures of one thousand armed Kannon in western part of China and Tibet, however, many have forty two arms.


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