
歓喜天(聖天)双身立像総高19cmツゲ木彫仏像 インド神話では群主の意。仏教に摂りいれられてからは大自在天の子で、韋駄天の兄弟。 一般に聖天(しょうてん)と称し、一切の善事を成就し、災禍を消滅し、富貴を与える神として崇拝され、水商売等での民間信仰が盛ん。造形は象頭人身の単身と双身(夫は象頭、妻は猪頭もある)がある。Kangi Ten [Shou Ten]In Indian myth, Kangi Ten means a tribal chief. He has been represented as a child of Daijizai Ten and brother of Ida Ten since his adoption into Buddhist mythology. He is generally called Shou Ten and is worshipped as giving power to achieve all goodness, eliminating disaster and giving wealth. A lot of ordinary people believe in him, especially those involved in businesses related with food and drink such as restaurants, bars etc.. Sometimes Kangi Ten is depicted as two bodies with elephant heads; sometimes a single body with an elephant head and sometimes as a couple where the husband has an elephant head and the wife a wild boar's.


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