世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「英・ソッピース ストラッター単座爆撃機」 1/48 (48404)

世界の複葉飛行機模型ローデン(RODEN)「英・ソッピース ストラッター単座爆撃機」 1/48 (48404)  ◆ローデン「英・ソッピース ストラッター単座爆撃機」 1/48Sopwith 1½ Strutter single-seat bomber・写真は箱絵です。(イメージ)英・ソッピース ストラッター単座爆撃機 についてAfter the successful debut of the two-seat Sopwith 1½ Strutter fighter, RNAS ordered the Sopwith 9700 single-seat bomber among six new types for its own needs. At that time the Admiralty were planning great offensive air raids against Germany's industrial centers, but the lack of a suitable aeroplane delayed this idea.The first single-seat 1½ Strutter was delivered to the RNAS in June 1916, but official acceptance took place in August. At the same time the RFC also ordered the 1½ Strutter from Sopwith, and many subcontractors also began to build this type: Morgan & Co, Hooper, Mann & Egerton, and Westland completed 372 single-seat 1½ Strutters in total.The fuselage of the Type 9700 was modified to provide internal stowage for the bomb load. Bays were situated in to the fuselage just above the lower longerons. For easy access to the bomb racks additional doors were installed in the fuselage sides; four bomb doors were installed under the fuselage, opening just before dropping the bomb. The pilot also had a single Vickers synchronized gun. The majority of all single-seat machines were delivered to RNAS units.Nicknamed Sopwith Bombers, they were intensively used until the more modern DH4 appeared. After withdrawal from the front line, single-seaters were dispersed between various training units; some converted to the Ship Strutter standard and were based on aircraft carriers. Limited quantity of single-seaters were delivered to France (later France built its own licensed version of the 1½ Strutter, named 1.B1). Britain also sold 148 1½ Strutters to Russia, among them at least 39 single-seaters. In spite of criticism, the Sopwith 1½ Strutter was a conceptual forerunner of many successful designs and deserved fame as one of the classic aircraft of World War One.PerformancesWingspan 10,21 m Length 7,70 m Take off weight 1062 kg Speed, max 160 km/h Time of 2000 m reaching 9 min Service ceiling 3900 m Powerplant 110 h.p. Clerget 9Zor 130 h.p. Clerget 9Bor 110 h.p. Le Rhone 9J Armament 0.303 Vickers, fixed, synchronized Bombs 4x65 lb. or smaller, equal in weight - ローデン資料より -単座型は爆撃機として使用され塹壕戦に出撃1916年:単発・単座戦闘機英国で初めてプロペラ同調機銃を装備した戦闘機です。最初は戦闘機として利用され、後には偵察・爆撃機として幅広く活躍しました。複座型は戦闘機として使われましたが、単座のモデルも有り約6000機が生産されました。またアメリカやロシア、ベルギー、ルーマニア、日本などにも輸出されました。模型についてスケールモデル スペックScale:1/48Overall dimensions:212/160Quantity of details:36Manufacturer:ローデン(RODEN)Manufacturing country:ウクライナ(UKRAINE)Box Size:300*200*48●「英・ソッピース ストラッター単座爆撃機」のプラスチックモデル組立キットです。●DECAL ・Sopwith 1½ Strutter, N 5134 (Westland-built), French Air Force (Aviation Militaire), March 1917. ・Sopwith 1½ Strutter, N 5115 (Sopwith-built), N o 3 Wing, RNAS, November 1916. ・Sopwith 1½ Strutter, N 5201 (Mann, Egerton-built), N o 2 Wing, RNAS, April 1917. ・Sopwith 1½ Strutter, 9706 (Sopwith-built), N o 3 Wing, RNAS, December 1916.ギフト用ラッピング(無料)を承ります  →詳細はこちらをご確認ください※この商品は完成品ではありません。パーツを組み立てて作るプラモデルです※接着剤は入っていませんので、別にお買い求めください※12歳以下の方が組み立てる場合は、保護者の方も一緒に説明書をお読みください※返品は未開封、未使用のものに限らせていただきます。


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