
薬師如来座像2.5寸飛天光背八角台ツゲ彩色 【身丈:2.5寸 総高:約27cm、台幅:約12cm、台奥行き:約12cm】 薬師如来薬師瑠璃光如来ともいい、東方浄瑠璃世界の教主。薬師本願功徳経では、東方世界において、菩薩の道を行し、十二大願を発し、成就したとある。一切衆生を無明の病疾より救い出して、利楽せしめ、諸根を具足させ、解脱へ導くため古くから信仰がさかん。金胎両部では金剛界の阿しゅく如来、胎蔵界の大日如来と同体とされる。造形は左手に薬壺、右手に施無畏印が多いが一定ではない。日光、月光菩薩を脇侍として、薬師三尊とし、眷属として護法神の十二神将を祭る。Yakushi NyoraiHe is also called Yakushirurikou Nyorai(Master of Healing). He is the Buddha in Eastern Jyoruri World (Vaiduryanirbhasa). He achieved Buddahood, made and fulfilled 12 vows. He has been on of the most cherished Buddha because he saves all the ordinary people from their sickness and appeases them leading to the mind of enlightenment. He is thought to be the same as Ashuku Nyorai in Diamond World and Dainichi Nyorai in Womb World. Though many of his statues have a medicine jar in his left hand, the mudra of Semuiin (no fear) in his right hand, different styles are also seen. He is attended by Nikkou Bosatsu and Gekkou Bosatsu, which makes the three Buddha of Yakushi. The 12 Heavenly Generals are also worshipped as the attendants to him.


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