【銀行振込で送料無料】Watchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete ExperienceWatchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete Experience

【銀行振込で送料無料】Watchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete ExperienceWatchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete Experience Play options include an engrossing single player campaign, as well as a local split-screen cooperative mode. The two-disc complete experience is only available for the PlayStation 3 and contains the Director's cut of the Watchmen movie on Blu-ray disc and parts one and two of the game. Contains exclusive collectible poster and History of Watchmen Timeline. Movie contains Warner Bros. Maximum Movie Mode and Watchmen Focus Point which includes The Minutemen, Girls Kick Ass, Rorschach?s Mask and much more. Play both as Rorschach, a feral, streetwise fighter who can disarm enemies to use their own weapons against them and Nite Owl, a refined fighter who uses martial arts expertise and high-tech wizardry. こちらの商品はご注文日よりお届けまで10日から14日ほどお時間を頂いております。スタッフ一同、お客様に安心してお取引頂けるよう心がけております。Watchmen: The End is Nigh The Complete Experience

販売店:IROHA 楽天市場店

¥9,400 送料別