
文殊菩薩座像飛天光背(獅子座)3.5寸ツゲ木彫仏像 【身丈:3.5寸、総高:約34cm、台幅:約20cm、台奥行き:約13.5cm】文殊菩薩は大乗仏教の代表的菩薩で、普賢菩薩と共に釈迦如来の脇侍となり、釈迦三尊を構成する。獅子に乗る姿で単独に信仰されることもあり、文殊八大童子を従える。顕教では実在の人物とされ、釈迦入滅後、仏典結集をした人ともいわれる。般若経典と関係が深く、仏の智慧をつかさどる。造形はさまざまで、猛威の象徴である獅子の乗る様が多い。 Monju BosatsuHe is the representative bosatsu of Mahayana Buddhism. He is an attendant to Shaka Nyorai as well as Fugen Bosatsu, which makes the Tree Sacred Bosatsu. He is sometimes worshipped independently in a style of riding on a lion attended by the Great Eight Children of Monju. He is believed to have collected Shyaka's literature after he died. He is strongly associated with Hannya Kyouten(Hannya Scriputures). He rules over the wisdom of Buddha. There are various forms, many of them are riding on a lion, a symbol of energy and forth.


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