
舟立観音勢至菩薩立像6寸一対彩色ツゲ木彫仏像 一体あたり【身丈:6.0寸 総高:約39cm、台幅:約14cm、台奥行き:約14cm】 阿弥陀如来三尊とは三尊様式で左右の脇侍は一般に左側に観音菩薩、右側に勢至菩薩を配置する。来迎の弥陀三尊では観音菩薩が往生人が座る蓮台を捧げ、勢至菩薩が合掌で表現している。わが国最古の弥陀三尊は舟形一光背に三尊仏を配置した信濃善光寺の如来像であり、飛鳥時代に渡来したものといわれる。また、大原三千院の来迎弥陀三尊の脇侍は珍しい日本式の正座(大和座)をしている。 Kannon Bosatsu & Seishi BosatsuKannon Bosatsu on Amida Buddha's left and Seishi Bosatsu on his right. Buddhists believe that after death Buddha comes to greet people Amida Nyorai sanson is a style of displaying statues of Buddha; with Kannon Bosatsu with Kannon and Seishi in this configuration. Kannon holds the lotus stage that the person is sitting on and Seishi stands with his palms together in the Gasshou stance. The oldest image of Amida Nyorai sanson in Japan is a funagata ikkohai or boat shaped idol with a halo of sun radiating from behind it. It can be found at Zenkoji- temple in Nagano and is believed to have been brought to Japan during the Asuka period. Additionally, the Sanson depiction of Buddha accompanied by Kannon and Seishi at Ohara Sanzennin-temple in Kyoto is a rare Japanese version as they are in a kneeling position.


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