
弘法大師座像1.5寸ツゲ木彫仏像 【身丈:1.5寸 総高:約14cm、台幅:約8.5cm、台奥行き:約6cm】弘法大師は、讃岐の国多度津郡屏風ケ浦すなわち今の善通寺に誕生し、諱を空海と呼び、号を遍照金剛と称した。十八歳の時京に上って大学に入り、一般の学問を修めつくし、みずから三教指帰三巻を著わした。二十歳の時剃髪して沙弥戒を受け、その後、大師は遣唐使の勅命を受け入唐した。その時大師は三十一歳で、長安にとどまり、恵果阿闍梨に謁して金剛界灌頂を受け、さらに胎蔵界灌頂を済まして伝法大阿闍梨の職位を受け、真言宗の極意を得、また密教の諸経典および仏具を相承した。帰国後、大師は、京都に入って高雄山に迎えられ、国家のために修法を許された。東大寺、ついで乙訓寺の別当となり、高雄山上に結縁灌頂を行い、伝教大師等に授戒し、高野山を開いて修禅入室の地と定め、日本真言宗の開祖となって、国家社会に偉業をのこした。のち、弘法大師の諡号を賜わった。大師の著書はじつに多く、そのおもなものは即身成仏義、十住心論十巻等、百五十余部二百余巻である。Koubou TaishiKoubou Taishi was born in Tadotsu-Byubugaura in Sanuki (present Zentsuji-city in Kagawa prefecture) Referred to after his death as Kukai, his pseudonym was Henjou Kongou. He went to Kyo (present Kyoto) at the age of eighteen. He mastered all general study and wrote three volumes of Sankyoshiki. He had his head shaved and got Samikai later he went to China in obedience to an Imperial command. He was thirty one at that time. He stayed in Changan, studied under Keika Ajari and was given the post of Denpou Daiajari. He progressed to the scriptures of esoteric Buddhism and Buddhist items. After he came back to Japan, he entered Kyoto, and was welcomed to join by Mt. Takao. He was requested to preach Buddhism for the good of the nation. He became the equerry to Otokuniji-temple as well as Todaiji-temple. And he was reigned the name of Koubou Taish. He wrote more than 150 chapters and 200 volumes of books about Buddhism such as "Sokushin Joubutsugi", ten volumes of "Juujuushinron".


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