
聖徳太子立像(孝養)5.0寸紅檀木彫仏像 【総高:約22cm、総幅:約13cm、奥行き:約7.5cm、台幅:約9.5cm、台奥行き:約7.5cm】聖徳太子は約1400年前,用明天皇の第一皇子として誕生。厩戸の皇子と称される。2歳の2月15日(仏涅槃)に東に向かって「南無仏」と唱5歳の時文筆書法を学び幼少から聡明であった。推古天皇の即位に伴い、21歳で摂政の位につき、悲田院、施薬院、僚病院等の仏教的慈善事業を起こし、法華経、維摩経を学ばれ、法隆寺、広隆寺等、全国に四十六寺院を建立、冠位十二階、憲法十七条を制定し、善政を行なうとともに、仏教興隆に尽くされる。622年入滅。Shoutoku TaishiShoutoku Taishi was born as the first prince of the Emperor Yomei one thousand four hundred years ago. He was called Umayado no Ooji. He chanted "Nam butsu" facing the east on the fifteenth of Feburuary (the day of Buddha's death) at the age of two. He was so wise that he learned and mastered writing at the age of five. He was named as her regent and assisted the Empress Suiko at the age of twenty one. He established Buddhism charitable works such as building hospitals or home for orphans or old people. mastered Hoke Kyo (Lotus Sutra), Yuima Kyo. He built Horyuji-temple, Koryuuji-temple and forty six temples around Japan. He established the twelve official ranks and the seventeen constitution. He made great efforts to spread Buddhism. He entered Nirvana in 622.


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