
鬼子母神(訶梨帝母)立像身丈5寸桧木木彫仏像 【身丈:5.0寸 総高:約26cm、幅:約12cm、奥行き:約8cm】訶利帝母のことを日本では鬼子母神と呼ばれる。もと、鬼人の妻で500の子供を産む。前身が邪悪で、王舎城に来ては幼児を取って食するので、仏がこれを誡めようと、訶利帝母の一子を隠します。訶利帝母は非常に嘆き悲しみ、仏に「汝に食されし親の胸中はいかばかりか」と諭され、仏門に帰依し、誓願を立てて、安産、幼児保護の神となります。訶利帝母は天女形で吉祥果(ざくろ)を持つ。日蓮宗の鬼子母神は法華経の守護神として祭られ、鬼形相で合掌をしているKishibojinKariteimo is called Kishibojin in Japanese. She was originally a wife of a demon and had 500 children. Her former self was evil and she went to Ousha-jo (Buddha’s palace) to kidnap infants to eat. Buddha hid one of her children to admonish her for this. He then dissuaded her against continuing with this habit by saying “Can you imagine how the parents feel whose children have been eaten by you?” She then took holy orders in Buddhism, swore an oath, and became a god of easy childbirth and protector of children. Kariteimo has the form of a celestial nymph (Tennyo) and is holding a Kichijouka (pomegranate). The Nishiren shu sect worship Kishibojin as the god protecting the scriptures of Buddha (Lotus Sutra), and depict her with joined palms and a fierce appearance.


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