
地蔵菩薩座像3.0寸ツゲ彩色木彫仏像 【身丈:3.0寸 総高:約24cm、台幅:約14cm、台奥行き:約14cm】この菩薩は釈尊の入滅後、弥勒の出生まで、六道(地獄界・餓鬼界・畜生界・修羅界・人間界・天界)の衆生を教化する菩薩。よって、供養せんとするものは、現世に福利を得、後世に極楽に生ぜんとする。地蔵信仰は唐代に始まり、日本では平安時代からで、僧形で左手に宝珠、右手に錫杖を持つものが多い。鎌倉時代以降は民間信仰に取り入れられて、子安地蔵、子育て地蔵、水子地蔵、六地蔵など親しまれる。Jizou BosatsuThis Bosatsu is a deity who enlightens people in the six worlds (the realm of hell, of hungry spirits, of beasts, of anger, jealousy, and constant war, of human beings and of heaven) since Shaka entered nirvana till Miroku comes down. Those who try to attain enlightenment will gain wealth in the present world and paradise in the second life. Jizou is believed to have its origins in Tang dynasty in China, it came to Japan during the Heian period. Many Jizou take form a priest style with a sacred gem in their left hand and a bishop's staff (khakkhara) in their right. Ordinary people began to worship them from the Kamakura-era, they are familiar in such roles as Koyasu Jizou (easy childbirth), Kosodate Jizou(easy child rearing), Mizuko Jizou(protecting unborn children) and Roku Jizou (six realms).


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