SALE OFF!新品北米版DVD!【宇宙戦艦ヤマトコレクション #3 (米国放映版)】 Star Blazers, Series 3: The Bolar Wars Collection [6 Discs]新入荷続々♪お盆期間中送料無料♪17日(金)正午まで♪全商品対象♪

SALE OFF!新品北米版DVD!【宇宙戦艦ヤマトコレクション #3 (米国放映版)】 Star Blazers, Series 3: The Bolar Wars Collection [6 Discs]新入荷続々♪お盆期間中送料無料♪17日(金)正午まで♪全商品対象♪ 【こちらの商品はお取り寄せの商品になります。入荷の目安:1〜3週間】 ※万が一、メーカーに在庫が無い場合はキャンセルとさせて頂く場合がございます。その際はご了承くださいませ。Star Blazers, Series 3: The Bolar Wars Collection [6 Discs]宇宙戦艦ヤマトコレクション #3 (米国放映版) (1979) [ US / Voyager / DVD ] 新品!※こちらのDVDはリージョンコード(DVD地域規格)が【1】になります。日本製のデッキではご覧頂けませんのでご注意下さい。 リージョンコードフリーのDVDデッキなど対応機種でご覧下さい。※本商品はアメリカ放送版ですので音声は英語になります。日本語音声、字幕は付いておりませんのでご注意ください。 アメリカ放送版の宇宙戦艦ヤマト(Star Blazers)コレクション!!6枚組!25話!【収録作品】Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 1: The Solar System Faces DestructionStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 2: The Great Battle in the Milky WayStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 3: Argo Sets Sail at DawnStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 4: Hit Mars!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 5: SOS! Spaceship LegendraStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 6: Fierce Battle Near Planet 11!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 7: The Rough Seas of Planet AlphaStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 8: The Last PioneerStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 9: Dual at Planet Barnard!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 10: Counterattack of Dagon's New FleetStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 11: Danger! The Cygnus Airspace!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 12: The Colony in Space!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 13: Dreadful the Bolar FederationStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 14: Dimensional Submarines Galman Wolf!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 15: The Argo Is CapturedStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 16: The Day of Desslok!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 17: Critical Moment of Desslok's Empire!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 18: The Angry Sun!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 19: The Way to Planet PhantomStar Blazers Series 3: Episode 20: Phantom Planet!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 21: Shattered Hope!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 22: Farewell, Planet of Dreams!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 23: Fierce Battle, Skalagek Star Cluster!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 24: The Secret of Planet Gardiana!Star Blazers Series 3: Episode 25: Argo, Shoot the Sun!【仕様】■音声:英語■ディスク枚数:6枚■収録時間:本編585分【Special Features】・All 25 episodes remastered for DVD ・Interactive menus deigned exactly like the bridge of the Argo ・Character guides ・Spaceship guides ・Equipment guides ・Location guides ・Stellar maps ・Weapons and machinery ・Voice actors interview ・Hidden bonus features ・Collectible insert: 24 page booklet on the making of the original series


¥16,990 送料別