【送料無料】 Billie Holiday ビリーホリディ / Quintess Vol.1, 2 & 3 輸入盤 【CD】

【送料無料】 Billie Holiday ビリーホリディ / Quintess Vol.1, 2 & 3 輸入盤 【CD】 商品の詳細ジャンルジャズフォーマットCDレーベルColumbia発売日1998年06月29日商品番号C-3K65713発売国USA組み枚数3関連キーワード ビリーホリデイ 0074646571323 【smtb-u】出荷目安の詳細はこちら曲目リストディスク11.Your Mother's Son-In-Law/2.Riffin' the Scotch/3.I Wished on the Moon/4.What a Little Moonlight Can Do/5.Miss Brown to You/6.Sunbonnet Blue, A (And a Little Straw Hat)/7.What a Night, What a Moon, What a Girl/8.I'm Painting the Town Red/9.It's Too Hot for Words/10.Twenty-Four Hours a Day/11.Yankee Doodle Never Went to Town/12.Eeny Meeny Meiny Mo/13.If You Were Mine/14.These 'N' That 'N' Those/15.You Let Me Down/16.Spreadin' Rhythm Aroundディスク21.Life Begins When You're in Love/2.It's Like Reaching for the Moon/3.These Foolish Things/4.I Cried for You/5.Guess Who/6.Did I Remember?/7.No Regrets/8.Summertime/9.Billie's Blues/10.Fine Romance, A/11.I Can't Pretend/12.One, Two, Button Your Shoe/13.Let's Call a Heart a Heart/14.Easy to Love/15.With Thee I Swing/16.Way You Look Tonight, The...他

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