(ベリーダンス) サラ・スキナー/Opulent Motion[US輸入DVD]

(ベリーダンス) サラ・スキナー/Opulent Motion[US輸入DVD] US輸入DVD。145分。人気ダンサーのサラ・スキナーが華麗でゆったりとした芸術的な振付を教えてくれます。リズムに乗った動き、身体で表す気持ちの表現を音楽とのコンビネーションにポイントをおいてレッスン。たっぷり145分収録。国内のDVDプレイヤーやPS2で再生できます。(オール・リージョン)。 -- BellyDance: Opulent Motion 1. Welcome [2:52] 2. Posture, Walks & Turns [2:37] 3. Arm Positions [2:15] 4. Poses [5:50] 5. Hand Flourishes [3:29] 6. Head Circles & Slides [1:12] 7. Shoulder Rolls, "Snake Arms" [1:33] 8. Chest Slides, Lifts, Circles & Figure 8s [2:10] 9. Hip Slides & Hio Circle [3:03] 10. Pelvic Circle [1:38] 11. Horizontal Figure 8s of the Hips [1:32] 12. Vertical Figure 8s of the Hips [1:53] 13. "Snakes" [:37] 14. Hip Rolls & 1-Hip Figures 8s [1:30] 15. Shimmy [:46] 16. Hip Drop, Hip Lift & Torso Contractions [2:37] 17. Stomach Undulation [1:02] 18. Undulation & Reversed Undulation [2:38] 19. Organic Movement [4:46] 20. About Taqsim & Slow Rhythms [1:51] 21. Rhythms & Movements [3:55] 25. "L" and "S" Poses Combination [4:06] 26. Hand Drape Pose Combination [2:51] 27. "Caress the Face" [2:23] 28. "Across the Water" [2:43] 29. "Swaying in the Grass" [1:45] 30. "Mysterious Eyes" [3:01] 31. "Pulling Water" [2:53] 32. "The Willow Tree" [3:26] 33. "Swimming" [1:26] 34. "Cobra" [3:08] 35. "1-Arm Cobra" [2:20] 36. "Medusa" [2:06] 37. "Inside-Out Prayer Hands" [1:32] 38. "Snakes," Level Changes, Accents [1:49] 39. "Snake Arms," Chest Circle, Ripple [1:20] 22. Chapter 22 [9:49] 23. Chapter 23 [7:28] 24. Chapter 24 [6:36] 41. Chapter 41 [2:04] 42. Chapter 42 [4:24] 43. Chapter 43 [5:29] 44. Chapter 44 [4:03] 45. Chapter 45 [3:09] 47. Chapter 47 [2:14] 48. Chapter 48 [1:01] 49. Chapter 49 [4:25] 50. Chapter 50 [5:28] 51. Chapter 51 [4:05] 52. Chapter 52 [1:06] 53. Chapter 53 [4:03] 54. Chapter 54 [3:08] 40. Movement Sequences Practice Flows [3:22] 46. Expression & Musicality Music + Commentary [2:44] 46. Expression & Musicality Clips Music Only [2:44] 55. Performance [2:55]


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