SALE OFF!新品北米版DVD!Batman: The Animated Series, Volume Three (DC Comics Classic Collection)!新入荷続々♪お盆期間中送料無料♪17日(金)正午まで♪全商品対象♪

SALE OFF!新品北米版DVD!Batman: The Animated Series, Volume Three (DC Comics Classic Collection)!新入荷続々♪お盆期間中送料無料♪17日(金)正午まで♪全商品対象♪ 【こちらの商品はお取り寄せの商品になります。入荷の目安:1〜3週間】 ※万が一、メーカーに在庫が無い場合はキャンセルとさせて頂く場合がございます。その際はご了承くださいませ。Batman: The Animated Series, Volume Three (DC Comics Classic Collection) [ US / Warner Home Video / DVD ] 新品!※こちらのDVDはリージョンコード(DVD地域規格)が【1】になります。日本製のデッキではご覧頂けませんのでご注意下さい。 リージョンコードフリーのDVDデッキなど対応機種でご覧下さい。 ※アメリカ盤につき日本語字幕はございません。 『Batman: The Animated Series, Volume Three』の北米版DVD!!エピソード57〜85までを収録!!【Chapters】Side #1 -- Batman: The Animated Series, Vol. 3 - Disc 1 1. Shadow of the Bat - Part I [22:22] 2. Shadow of the Bat - Part II [22:14] 3. Blind As a Bat [22:13] 4. The Demon's Quest - Part I [22:16] 5. The Demon's Quest - Part II [22:10] 6. His Silicon Soul [22:14] 7. Fire From Olympus [22:13] Side #2 -- Batman: The Animated Series, Vol. 3 - Disc 2 1. Read My Lips [22:22] 2. The Worry Men [22:14] 3. Sideshow [22:13] 4. A Bullet for Bullock [22:16] 5. Trial [22:10] 6. Avatar [22:14] 7. House of Garden [22:13] Side #3 -- Batman: The Animated Series, Vol. 3 - Disc 3 1. The Terrible Trio [22:22] 2. Harlquinade [22:14] 3. Time Out of Joint [22:13] 4. Catwalk [22:16] 5. Bane [22:10] 6. Baby-Doll [22:14] 7. The Lion and the Unicorn [22:13] Side #4 -- Batman: The Animated Series, Vol. 3 - Disc 4 1. Showdown [22:22] 2. Riddler's Reform [22:14] 3. Second Chance [22:13] 4. Harley's Holiday [22:16] 5. Lock-Up [22:10] 6. Make 'Em Laugh [22:14] 7. Deep Freeze [22:13] 8. Batgirl Returns 【仕様】■音声:英語■字幕:英語、スペイン語、フランス語■ディスク枚数:4枚■収録時間:本編609分【Special Features】・Gotham's New Knight -- Batgirl: Batman's Newest Ally in the War on Crime! ・Commentaries on three episodes with animation creators


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