Punk in London [US輸入DVD]

Punk in London [US輸入DVD] US輸入DVD。未開封新品。78 年のオリジナル映像をデジタル・リマスター。当時のロンドンのパンクシーンを席捲した有名バンドのパフォーマンスを多数収録。国内のDVDプレイヤーやPS2で再生できます。(オール・リージョン)。 1. Opening Credits [3:29] 2. The Adverts - Gary Gumores Eyes [:49] 3. Jimmy Pursey Interview [:47] 4. Chelsea Interview 1 [2:12] 5. Chelsea - Right to Work [2:24] 6. Chelsea Interview 2 [3:39] 7. X-Ray Spex - Oh Bondage, Up Yours! [2:56] 8. Poly-styrene Interview [:28] 9. X-Ray Spex - Identity [3:31] 10. The Lurkes Interview [5:28] 11. Miles Copeland Interview [2:49] 12. The Killjoys - It Could Be Me [1:55] 13. Kevin Rowland Interview [1:15] 14. The Klljoys - At Night [2:04] 15. The Rough Trade Record Shop [2:29] 16. The Adverts - One Chord Wonders [3:22] 17. Subway Sect - Ambition [2:49] 18. Subway Sect - Out of Touch [1:57] 19. Subway Sect Interview [1:17] 20. Interview With Rat (Damned Roadie) 1 [3:05] 21. Sounds Newspaper [1:45] 22. Teddy Boys Interview [5:24] 23. The Jam - Carnaby Street [2:40] 24. The Jam - In the City [2:08] 25. Jean-Jacques Burnel Interview [4:59] 26. Queueing [1:03] 27. The Boomtown Rats - Do the Rat [1:27] 28. Interview With Rat 2 [1:23] 29. The Clash - Complete Control [1:01] 30. The Clash - Hate & War [2:23] 31. The Clash - Police & Thieves [1:50] 32. The Clash - Garageland [3:20]


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