【銀行振込で送料無料】Miami Dolphins Tackle Buddy Durable Vinyl And Sand Weighted For Bounce-Back ActionMiami Dolphins Tackle Buddy Durable Vinyl And Sand Weighted For Bounce-Back Action

【銀行振込で送料無料】Miami Dolphins Tackle Buddy Durable Vinyl And Sand Weighted For Bounce-Back ActionMiami Dolphins Tackle Buddy Durable Vinyl And Sand Weighted For Bounce-Back Action Miami Dolphins Tackle Buddy. A great way to burn off some of that pre-game energy. Purchase your favorite team or the team you love to hate. They are constructed out of durable vinyl and are sand weighted for bounce-back action. 重量:12 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)こちらの商品はご注文日よりお届けまで10日から14日ほどお時間を頂いております。スタッフ一同、お客様に安心してお取引頂けるよう心がけております。Miami Dolphins Tackle Buddy Durable Vinyl And Sand Weighted For Bounce-Back Action

販売店:IROHA 楽天市場店

¥11,100 送料別