NOTEBOOK,THE(A) [ NICHOLAS SPARKS ]【送料無料】 NICHOLAS SPARKS WARNER BOOKS USA1998 英語 アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780446605236 TOEICレベル 600以上程度 洋書仕入元が独自の基準で設定した点数になります。あくまで目安の数値になります<br><br>A man picks up a faded, wellーworn notebook and begins reading to a frail elderly woman, his voice recalling the heartbreaking story of two starーcrossed lovers and their poignant, bittersweet journey to happiness. So begins this touching novel that is a dual tale of love lost and found, and of a man's gentle battle to reach an aging woman who cannot remember the most cherished moments of her life. New Line Cinema is developing a screenplay from the novel. 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction


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