Start Scrapbooking: Your Essential Guide to Recording Memories【送料無料】

Start Scrapbooking: Your Essential Guide to Recording Memories【送料無料】 START SCRAPBOOKING Wendy Smedley MEMORY MAKERS2010 Spiral English ISBN:9781599631288 Back to Basics Scrapbooking redefines the stereotypes of scrapbooking, showing new scrapbookers and veterans alike to scrap in simple ways without feeling pressure to get "caught up." Packed with everything new scrapbookers need to know to dive into the craft, this book is the goーto guide to for every scrapbook beginner. Five chapters teach you: how to develop a philosophy of simple scrapbooking; what essential tools you'll need and how to use them; how to organize photos; how to tell a story; the basics of layout design; and much more. Plus, projects and theme ideas and 100+ simple, accessible layouts illustrate how to start scrapbooking and keep it simple. 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies


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