Gangsters and Gold Diggers: Old New York, the Jazz Age, and the Birth of Broadway【送料無料】

Gangsters and Gold Diggers: Old New York, the Jazz Age, and the Birth of Broadway【送料無料】 GANGSTERS & GOLD DIGGERS Jerome Charyn DA CAPO PR2004 Paperback English ISBN:9781560256434 In this rousing tribute to an unforgettable time and place, Jerome Charyn picks up where Gangs of New York left off and transports readers back to a swaggering, golden era in American lifeーーthe Roaring Twentiesーーwhen Broadway the street exploded into Broadway the legend. Charyn looks at the men and women who helped make the Big Street the most glamorous place on the planet, from Mae West to Fanny Brice, Legs Diamond to Irving Berlin, Scott Fitzgerald to Arnold Rothstein, and many more. In cinematic prose and numerous photographs, Charyn captures Broadway's vagabondage, outlaw culture, and selfーmythologizing. He brings a rollicking, roughーandーtumble period in New York history to lifeーーconjuring an intoxicating portrait of Jazz Age excess by examining the denizens of that greatest of all "staggering machine[s] of desire," the street known as Broadway. 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel


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