クロ・フロリデーヌ・ブラン[2009] 【あす楽対応_関東】★グラーヴ地区の超掘出し物辛口白ワイン

クロ・フロリデーヌ・ブラン[2009] 【あす楽対応_関東】★グラーヴ地区の超掘出し物辛口白ワイン ★パーカーポイント 90〜92点  飲み頃:現在 Because of both time and space constraints, I am not able to provide tasting notes for the 2009 dry white Bordeaux, but it is an extremely strong vintage.Most chateaux equaled the dazzling quality of the 2007 dry whites. That said, the 2009s tend to be less classic than 2007, but more exotic, honeyed, and higher in alcohol, with compelling richness. The 2009s will probably have a shorter evolutionary curve, but these wines tend to last a long time, even in a vintage such as this. They are fascinating dry white wines. Wine Advocate #188 (2010-04-27)より 種類 白ワイン格付 A.O.C. グラーヴ生産地 フランス/ボルドー/グラーヴブドウ品種 セミヨン、ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン味わい 辛口容量 750ml


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